April 2022 - April 2023
January ‘15, 16” x 20”, Acrylic and duct tape
October 2022
In July of this year, I attended a retreat with Christians in Visual Arts at the Marianist Retreat Center in Eureka, Missouri. In the evenings, they called for artists to present their current work. It was enlightening to see the presentations. I had recently started reworking through my ‘'Failure” concept from 2015, so I decided to talk about it. But the message wasn’t complete yet. Putting together my presentation helped solidify a lot of in-articulated thoughts that had been the driving force of my art practice over the past several months. Then, the next morning, something happened that sealed the concept, and I believe I will be producing what I now call “Sleepers ‘wake” images for the rest of my life.
Here was my presentation:
December 2014 my heart stopped for 10 seconds. My dad watched on a heart rate monitor, while my mom witnessed the whole hospital floor rush into my room, called in by the code blue.
The next month I experienced what someone on a Ted Talk called “Traumatic Growth.”
I had almost died, and then actually wanted to die, but suddenly, like a light switch, I wanted to live more than I ever had.
And I was suddenly thinking very hard, listening to people very closely, and understanding the world more than ever. For the first time in my life, my mind felt clear.
That’s when I painted the first piece, shown above. It’s called Failure.
Sleepers ‘wake I
April ‘22, 8” x 10”, Colored Pencil
Sleepers ‘wake II
April ‘22, 8” x 10”, Colored Pencil
It symbolizes the beauty that is produced after things like failure, trauma, fire burning down an entire city. I’m very inspired by the Chicago fire. I believe that without it, skyscrapers would not exist.
So in my piece, Failure, the bottom portion is fairly bland. That is when a creative concept, a city, a plan, a life, or really just about anything first begins. Then it all goes up in flames. There is a moment where the paint completely stops. Then it starts again. And it’s more beautiful than it ever could have been before the fire happened.
“Traumatic growth” supposedly only lasts a short while after the event. Then life proceeds as normal. Which was the case with me.
Cut to last fall, and I’m back in what feels like traumatic growth again, except this time it’s just being a recently diagnosed person with adhd on adderall for the first time.
He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Matthew 11:15 and Matthew 13:9
I Wish I Had Known You, I Wish You Had Known Me, Meena Matocha
I started diving back into this “Failure” concept because I wanted to know how to stay at the top, in the “growth” portion (without medication or trauma).
And I think I’ve figured it out. Maybe. So I want to share it with you.
When I went on adderall, I believed that I could finally read the bible and listen to sermons and actually pay attention, for the first time in my life.
I started doing both a lot. And I was listening differently than before. Then in February, I was introduced to a Meena Matocha (CIVA member) piece, through one of Holy Cross’ Feast Services. The piece was titled, I Wish I Had Know You, I Wish You Had Known Me. The eyes in the image called to me. And so I began reading the bible with only the purpose to really get to know God as a person.
I began wondering why I couldn’t hear the bible very well without this thing I was starting to idolize called adderall. The line isn’t “he who doesn’t have adhd let him hear,” it’s “he who has ears let him hear,” and I have ears!
For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness. So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober.
1 Thessalonians 5:5-6
I ended up going off the adderall, for the most part, in January for various reasons, but I kept hearing God’s word just as loudly and clearly. I still felt the vibrance of “traumatic growth” but I knew I couldn’t be in that anymore.
Then I thought more closely about the first time it happened, back in January of 2015. I realized that I had also been reading the bible with my ears and heart wide open to really get to know God as a person.
I had been awake. And then I fell asleep. I don’t know if I believe any of this actually has to do with this Ted Talk idea of “traumatic growth” after all.
I think it’s just what Jesus says over and over “He who has ears let him hear” and “stay awake! Stay awake! Stay awake!”
Sleepers ‘wake III
April ‘22, 8” x 10”, Colored Pencil
Sleepers ‘wake XV
October ‘22, 2 x 3.5”
Colored pencil and gold calligraphy ink
But it is so easy to fall asleep. I’ve been a follower of Jesus my whole life, but I think I’ve been ‘asleep’ for most of it.
I’m awake for now, but I don’t know how long I can keep my eyes open.
Proverbs is a book I read almost every night, and the guy who wrote that was wide awake as he wrote, but he fell asleep in the end.
It is so easy to get distracted by the ways of the world and fall asleep.
But I’m going to keep making these pieces for as long as I can to keep me awake. They’re my chocolate covered coffee beans for this spiritual roadtrip that I’m on.
I’m hoping that if I keep this up, my eyes will stay open with the reminder keep getting to know God with my ears and heart all the way open.
I am alive in Christ.
Soli Deo gloria!
Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.
Ephesians 5:14
So that was my presentation. I was pretty nervous giving it, but I’m really glad I did. I think this is very important.
I went to bed that night, planning to wake up the next day for an early morning group devotional.
In the morning, as I slept, a remote control car drove into my room and ran into the radiator. I jerked awake to see that the car was not actually there, but it was exactly 7:00am, time for the devotion, and I had not set my alarm. (This was weird for a lot of reasons. I am a very heavy sleeper and it is not often that I simply jerk awake in bed.)
So I quickly got dressed and ran up the hallway to see a small group of other CIVA members waiting for the devotion leader. I told my new friend Randy Heffner that I was excited for the meditation because God woke me up for this. We all waited for several minutes and then decided to do our own individual devotions, because it looked like our host was not coming. I thought, “but God woke me up for this”.
Sleepers ‘wake VII
May ‘22, 8” x 10”, Black colored pencil
Sleepers ‘wake X
July ‘22, 6” x 9”, Watercolor Pencil
I had packed a book of simple Bach tunes and my flute for the retreat. But I hadn’t found a good opportunity to use them, and this was the last day of the retreat. So I decided to go play music out in nature for some morning worship. I set up the music on a stump and began as another new friend, Michelle Arnold Paine, walked a labyrinth meditation, rosary in hand, nearby.
I played through most of the pieces. When I got to the last piece, Sleepers ‘Wake, everything came together. This has always been one of my favorite Bach pieces and maybe the one that led me to play flute.
I had been calling all of these new pieces Failure, which never quite fit. I realized now, that they are actually called Sleepers Awake. The symbolism has also shifted. The bottom part is a person, asleep, and the top part is a person awake. The empty space, where my heart stopped, is still important, I believe, because it often takes a spiritual slap in the face to wake back up to God again. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
My hope is that working through these pieces will keep me awake. Or remind me to wake up, by always searching for and listening to God.
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
Isaiah 60:1
Sleepers ‘wake XIV
July ‘22, 12” x 15”, Acrylic on canvas
Sleepers ‘wake IV
April ‘22, 8” x 10”, Colored Pencil
Sleepers ‘wake V
April ‘22, 8” x 10”, Colored Pencil
Sleepers ‘wake VI
April ‘22, 8” x 10”, Acrylic on paper
“For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says,
‘Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.’”
Ephesians 5:8–14
Sleepers ‘wake VIII
July ‘22, 5” x 7”, Watercolor Pencil
Sleepers ‘wake IX
July ‘22, 5” x 7”, Watercolor Pencil
Sleepers ‘wake XI
July ‘22, 6” x 9”, Watercolor Pencil
“Wake yourself, wake yourself, stand up, O Jerusalem, you who have drunk from the hand of the Lord the cup of his wrath, who have drunk to the dregs the bowl, the cup of staggering.”
Isaiah 51:17
Sleepers ‘wake XII
July ‘22, 6” x 9”, Watercolor Pastel
Sleepers ‘wake XIII
July ‘22, 5” x 7”, Watercolor Pencil
Sleepers ‘wake XVI
September ‘22, 8 x 8”, Watercolor Pencil
Featured in the Angad Arts Hotel’s 7th Biennial
Some nice songs on the subject:
He Woke Me Up Again · Sufjan Stevens | Church · Samm Henshaw | Meant to Live · Switchfoot (Jon Bellion Cover)
Becoming All Alone · Regina Spektor | Tornado · Owl City | Just So - Agnes Obel | After the Storm · Mumford & Sons
Sleepers, Awake! · The Incredible String Band | He Woke Me Up Again - Half-handed Cloud | De Spiritu Sancto - Hildegard of Bingen
Manchester · Kishi Bashi | Wake Up · Arcade Fire | Time 2 · Half · Alive | Take Time · The Books | Twenty Four · Switchfoot
Sleepers ‘wake XVII
October ‘22, 5” x 7”, Watercolor Pencil and Pen
Sleepers ‘wake XVIII
October ‘22, 8” x 11”, Colored Pencil
Sleepers ‘wake XIX
September ‘22, 5” x 7”, Watercolor Pencil
“Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed.”
Romans 13:11
Sleepers ‘wake XX
August ‘22, 6” x 9”, Watercolor Pencil
Sleepers ‘wake XXI
October ‘22, 5” x 7”, Colored pencil
Sleepers ‘wake XXI
October ‘22, 2.5” x 4”, Colored pencil and gold calligraphy ink
Some movies on the subject:
Mary Poppins (1964) - directed by Robert Stevenson | How Do You Live (2023) - directed by Hayao Miyazaki
Fool’s Paradise (2023) - directed by Charlie Day | The Tree of Life (2011) - directed by Terrence Malick
Asteroid City (2023) - directed by Wes Anderson | Don’t Look Up (2021) - directed by Adam McKay
Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) - directed by Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert
Song of the Sea (2014) - directed by Tomm Moore
Sleepers ‘wake XXIII
October ‘22, 3” x 4.5”,
Colored Pencil and Gold Calligraphy Ink
Sleepers ‘wake XXIV
November ‘22, Colored Pencil, 5” x 7”
Sleepers ‘wake XXV
November ‘22, Watercolor Pastel, 5” x 7”
Sleepers ‘wake XXVI
November ‘22, Watercolor Pastel, 5” x 7”
Sleepers ‘wake XXVII
November ‘22, Watercolor Pastel, 5” x 7”
Sleepers ‘wake XXVIII
November ‘22, Watercolor Pastel, 5” x 7”
Some books on the subject:
Surprised by Joy by C.S. Lewis | A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Venauken | Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh
The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis | The Four Quartets by T.S. Elliot | How Do You Live? by Genzaburo Yoshino
The Overstory by Richard Powers
Sleepers ‘wake XXIX
December ‘22, Watercolor Pencil, 6” x 9”
Sleepers ‘wake XXX
December ‘22, Watercolor Pencil, 5” x 7”
Sleepers ‘wake XXXI
January ‘23, Watercolor Pencil and Gold Calligraphy Ink, 5” x 7”
Sleepers ‘wake XXXII
January ‘23, Watercolor Pencil, 5” x 7”
Sleepers ‘wake XXXIII
January ‘23, Watercolor Pencil, 5” x 7”
Sleepers ‘wake XXXIV
February ‘23, 5” x 7” Watercolor Pencil and Gold Calligraphy Ink
Some other art on the subject:
The Awakening Conscience (1853) by William Holman Hunt | Swing Low Sweet Chariot (1937) by John McCrady
Deliverance (2020) by Gigi Florek | The Light of the World (1854) by William Holman Hunt
I Wish I Had Known You, I Wish You Had Known Me (2019) - Meena Matocha
Sleepers ‘wake XXXV
February ‘23, 5” x 7”
Watercolor Pencil and Gold Calligraphy Ink
Sleepers ‘wake XXXVI
February ‘23, 5” x 7”
Watercolor Pencil and Gold Calligraphy Ink
Sleepers ‘wake XXXVII
February ‘23, 5” x 5”
Colored Pencil and Gold Calligraphy Ink
Sleepers ‘wake XXXVIII
February ‘23, Pencil, Pastel, Marker and Gold Calligraphy Ink, 6” x 9”
I created this Sleepers ‘Wake in correlation with a piece of music written by my dad, Leonard Payton. In January, I arranged a new setting, heavily inspired by Michael E. Owens (weblink). While working through the arrangement, I found myself having difficulty sleeping as I wrote a dance, of sorts, that followed the music. The dance was not performed by people though. It was performed by pencil, pastel, marker, and brush strokes in collaboration with symbolism. One day I will write more on the symbolism here, but for now, you can listen to the song and see the dance on my music tab (weblink).
Sleepers ‘wake XXXIX
March ‘23, 5” x 7”
Watercolor Pencil and Gold Calligraphy Ink
Sleepers ‘wake XL
March ‘23, 5” x 7”
Watercolor Pencil
Sleepers ‘wake XLI - A Lost Sheep, Found
March ‘23, 5” x 7”
Watercolor Pencil and Gold Calligraphy Ink
Sleepers ‘wake XLII
March ‘23, 5” x 7”
Watercolor Pencil and Gold Calligraphy Ink
Sleepers ‘wake XLIII
April ‘23, 5” x 7”
Watercolor Pencil and Gold Calligraphy Ink
Sleepers ‘wake XLIV
April ‘23, 5” x 7”
Watercolor Pencil and Gold Calligraphy Ink
Sleepers ‘wake XLV
April ‘23, 5” x 7”
Watercolor Pencil, Gold Calligraphy Ink and Black Pen
Sleepers ‘wake XLVI
April ‘23, 5” x 7”
Watercolor Pencil, Gold Calligraphy Ink and Black Pen
Sleepers ‘wake XLVII - Blue Hour
April ‘23, 5” x 7”
Watercolor Pencil and Gold Calligraphy Ink
Sleepers ‘wake XLVIII - A Lost Sheep, Found
April ‘23, 5” x 7”
Watercolor Pencil and Gold Calligraphy Ink
Sleepers ‘wake XLIX
April ‘23, 10” x 15” Colored Pencil and Gold Calligraphy Ink
Sleepers ‘wake L - A Lost Sheep, Found
April ‘23, 5” x 7”
Colored Pencil, Gold Calligraphy Ink, Thread, Black Pen, and Trashcan Particles
End Note - April 2023
Yes, it says “trashcan particles.”
I threw this piece in a trashcan in a hotel in Ohio. Many of the colorful triangles were visible along the bottom, but the rest, of what you see now, had not yet appeared. It was not speaking to me, so I threw it away. I had never thrown away a Sleepers ‘wake. Not even a sketch. I don’t do sketches of them, with the exception of a few practice rounds for the dance of Sleepers ‘wake XXXVIII.
I had just decided a few days earlier, for the first time, to leave one out of documentation. It was Sleepers ‘wake XLVIII. After making this decision, my view towards my work shifted. Each detail was no longer good enough.
The night I threw this one away, I woke up, for no apparent reason, at 4:30am. I lay awake for a time pondering God’s love for us, His creations, and His view that we are each wonderfully made, no matter how different we are - including how “messed-up” (in human terms) we are. The next day I went to a talk about physician assisted suicide.
After the talk, I went straight back to the trashcan, and - mercifully - this lost sheep was still in there. I can’t really call it a lost sheep though. In all honesty, I was a lost shepherdess...
But I said sorry to my sheep, and told it that I will do better to love it. I stitched the piece back into the top right corner where I myself had ripped it, and now that piece looks like the sun.
I’m glad my shepherd never gets lost.
“Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to his disciples, ‘Sit here, while I go over there and pray.’ And taking with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, he began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then he said to them, ‘My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here, and watch with me.’ And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, ‘My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.’ And he came to the disciples and found them sleeping. And he said to Peter, ‘So, could you not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.’ Again, for the second time, he went away and prayed, ‘My Father, if this cannot pass unless I drink it, your will be done.’ And again he came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were heavy. So, leaving them again, he went away and prayed for the third time, saying the same words again. Then he came to the disciples and said to them, ‘Sleep and take your rest later on. See, the hour is at hand, and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise, let us be going; see, my betrayer is at hand.’”
Matthew 26:36-46
Jairus by Michael Symmons Roberts
So, God takes your child by the hand
and pulls her from her deathbed.
He says: ‘Feed her, she is ravenous.’
You give her fruits with thick hides
– pomegranate, cantaloupe –
food with weight, to keep her here.
You hope that if she eats enough
the light and dust and love
which weave the matrix of her body
will not fray, nor wear so thin
that morning sun breaks through her,
shadowless, complete.
Somehow this reanimation
has cut sharp the fear of death,
the shock of presence. Feed her
roast lamb, egg, unleavened bread:
forget the herbs, she has an aching
fast to break. Sit by her side,
split skins for her so she can gorge,
and notice how the dawn
draws colour to her just-kissed face.
“We mortals, seen as the sciences see us and as we commonly see one another, are mere appearances. But appearances of the absolute. In-so-far-as we really are at all, which isn’t saying much, we have, so to speak, a root in the absolute, which is the utter realty. And that is why we experience joy. We yearn rightly for that unity which we can never reach except by ceasing to be the separate phenomenal beings called “we.”
Joy was not a deception. Its visitations were rather the moments of clearest consciousness we had when we became aware of our fragmentary and phantasmal nature and ached for that impossible reunion which would annihilate us. Or that self contradictory waking which would reveal, not that we had had, but that we were a dream.”
C.S. Lewis, Surprised by Joy